Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Smelling of Jesus

Do I smell like Jesus?
We can quickly pick up on when someone wears cologne, but when people get close to us, do we smell like Jesus?
A little while back, a former intern dropped by my office to catch up. As soon as they entered the room, I couldn't help but notice the strange aroma that began to fill my office. It wasn't a bad smell, just different. But, being the caring and proper pastor that I am (lol), I pretended not to notice it. But as we continued to talk, she excitedly shared that she'd been working at a horse stable - caring for, brushing, riding, and cleaning up after horses. For me that day, there was no mistaking that she'd been with horses.

It made me wonder, can people tell when I've been with Jesus? Do I carry the "aroma" of Christ?

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