Saturday, August 21, 2010


This week was unusually hectic and busy. We're in the midst of some transition as we gear up for the launch of our fall programming. In the midst of all the busyness I was reminded of Dr. Luke's words in Luke 5:16. "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" (NIV). Jesus, busy as he was, often pulled away from the crowds of demanding people and lists of things to do and spent time in prayerful silence and purposeful slowing....
I've... got... to... remember... to... continually... practice... the disciplines of slowing, solitude, and silence.
It's in those moments that the dull roar of life ebbs enough so that I can hear the whispers of God more clearly. I'm convinced that if I practice these disciplines that it will help me hear those whispers even when the noise of life is ear-splitting loud.

1 comment:

K. said...

Agreed friend. Also, I like your picture--looks kind of familiar to me. :)